Janey H. Culpepper
Portsmouth City Assessor
801 Crawford Street, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 820
Portsmouth, Virginia 23705
Telephone : (757) 393-8631
Fax: (757) 393-8177

Office of The Real Estate
The Real Estate Assessor, is an appointee of Council and
reports directly to the Portsmouth City Council. The Assessor is responsible for
identifying and appraising all real property within the city. In order to
accomplish this task, the Assessor supervises and directs a staff of appraisers
and administrative support personnel.
The Assessor’s Office administers real estate assessments under the authority of
the Constitution of Virginia, the Code of Virginia and the City of Portsmouth
Code. Virginia State law requires real estate assessments to be at 100 percent
of fair market value. (Code of Virginia Title 58.1 Taxation 58.1-3201). The
definition of "fair market value" is: the price which a property will bring when
it is offered for sale by one who desires, but is not obliged, to sell it, and
is bought by one who is under no necessity of having it.
Real property in the city of Portsmouth is evaluated and assessed annually. The
annual revaluation is an estimate of fair market value of all city properties as
of July 1, of the tax year. All real property in the city of Portsmouth is
locally assessed with the exception of operating railroads, interstate
pipelines, and public utilities which are assessed by the State Corporation
Commission or by the State Department of Taxation.
In addition to determining property values, the Assessor’s Office also handles
the following:
*Maintains property ownership changes
*Keeps an updated record of building descriptions and property characteristics
*Retains and updates maps of parcel boundaries within the jurisdiction
*Tracks properties eligible for exemption
*Analyzes trends in property sales, home prices, construction and renovation
costs, and rents on commercial and industrial properties.
Once property values are determined, they are used to calculate the annual
property taxes which are collected by the City Treasurer. The Assessor does not
set the tax rate or collect tax payments. The revenue raised through these
property taxes are used to help pay for all public services including police,
schools, libraries, fire protection and other city services.